Vectus - Our Company

VECTUS is one of the world’s most advanced fully automated, fully networkable, intermediate public transit technologies. Systems are delivered to customer’s individual requirements on a turnkey basis.



  • About Vectus

    VECTUS brings what has, hitherto, been considered a transportation solution of the future into a proven and safe reality for today. With its potential for improving accessibility to quality public transport at a lower cost than conventional modes, while avoiding traffic problems such as congestion, accidents and pollution, it is an ideal solution to inter-connecting major transport hubs with satellite urban developments.

  • Our People

    Introducing VECTUS' key people: Mr Sang-Bog Lee - CEO Mr Wooje Kim - Managing Director Mr Jorgen Gustafsson - Chief Technology Officer & MD Sweden Office Mr Kyung Hoon Kim - Project Manager Suncheon Mr Svante Lennartsson - Vice President Engineering Mr Martin Pemberton - Cabin Designer & UK Sales Agent

  • Our Vision

    To effect a significant step change in urban transport technology to enhance human mobility.